nicol wong

A Photo Diary From March to May

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Do people still read blogs or has the focus shifted over to TikTok and Instagram for those quick videos permanently? I keep logging in and out of this blog, drafting a paragraph here and there but never finishing an actual post. If only you could see the amount of unfinished draft posts I have accumulated over the years! Back in the days, I was able to schedule posts whist on the train but now, I get travel sickness from staring at a screen for a minute or longer. Oh how times have changed.

You may or may not have noticed (or even care) that I’ve changed my domain! I had originally wanted this back in 2016 however, it was taken therefore settling for something else for the time being. After doing some blog maintenance last year, I saw that was free and I jumped the gun. It was only in the last few weeks I had decided to migrate it all over to the new domain. Now I’m hoping all of the errors and broken links are fixed and everything redirects correctly.

I’m currently typing this up whilst curling up on the sofa, feeling sorry for myself as I’ve been ill all week and have lost my voice. Plus I’m not looking forward to the blast of heat that’s coming tomorrow whilst I continue to recover. Here’s a quick picture diary from the last three months.


Lego exhibition london art of brick
Lego exhibition art of brick london
Neyo world tour Birmingham uk
Eric nam london world tour
Eric nam london world tour


Pokemon center london excel
Pokemon center london excel
Greenwich london
Queens house Greenwich london


St james park london

Stay in the loop

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
