nicol wong

About Me ⋅ 关于我

Nicol yuk lui Wong 黄郁蕾

The North
Popping in and out of London
Slowly exploring the rest of the world

Come stalk my travel map here.

Nicol is a matcha, fitness and earring stacking loving gal who likes to show off her flexy backbends and splits (see her Instagram for example). With a goal of trying to get her front oversplits to 270 degrees, knowing that it is 90% impossible, you can find her in the gym, at home, at the airport, basically anywhere stretching. Everyone loves a trier right? A British Born Chinese originating from the North West of England, she had temporarily moved to Beijing back in 2017 in order to not only improve her Mandarin but to step out and try something new living outside of the UK in a what she considers an unfamiliar territory. Now back home complaining about the British weather as usual.

I think that’s enough about me in the third person. Having blogged since 2010 (under the old blog name, yukluistyle, for the first 6.5 years), my blog has taken many twists and turns over those years when it comes to niches, but as of 2016 with a new blog name, nicolyl, I have primarily focused on blogging about beauty, travel and health & fitness, as well as documenting my personal experiences that may not relate to any of these categories. I just see what I deem fit and suitable for this blog.

I see blogging as my sanctuary; a place where I can voice my opinions, share my personal experiences with the world, and use it as a diary documenting those unforgettable moments.

You are welcome to join me and my journey.

Stay in the loop

Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
