nicol wong

How I’m Being More Positive in 2021

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nicol wong yuk lui huang yu lei wangfujing beijing china 黄郁蕾 王府井 北京 中国

After what you can call an “interesting” year, I’m trying to be more positive this year. I couldn’t help but fall deeper and further into the black hole of negative energy month after month throughout 2020. The further I go, the harder it will be for me to get out of. The constant negative mindset and defeatist vibe were not only affecting my own life but the people around me. After finally acknowledging this, I wanted to make a change before digging deeper to the point it spirals out of control and becomes too late. Here are the steps I’m taking to turn it around.

“Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power.”

Shirley MacLaine

Distract Oneself More

I’m the type of person who needs to be mentally engaged to distract myself from overthinking and falling into that trap. It could be something of leisure interests like binging on cat videos, baking, exercising or more on the professional side such as upskilling, taking courses etc. Overthinking is an absolute killer. I need to take further advantage of my thirst to learn and the need to always wanting to improve myself. Once I’ve engaged in some activity, time flies by without even knowing; being focused has always been my strong suit. It’s very stimulating and I always feel good after learning and solving problems.

Being More Optimistic

Despite seeing things as a half-full kind of gal, this thought has never truly translated over into my life. I wasn’t able to interpret it to real-life situations. When everyone is in the same situation, it’s hard to try and cultivate positive surroundings. All I see is hate all around and it’s frightening to see how it can influence others. I’m trying to find the silver lining in everything and have to remind myself that I’m not the only one in this, some are going through the exact same issues I’m currently facing. Hopefully the constant reminder will retrain the state of mind. It takes roughly 21 days to form a new habit. Staying away from the news and social media is always good.

Motivational quote positivity today is a good day neon lights Wuchang district Wuhan hebei china 武昌区 武汉 河北 中国

Open Up More

There’s only so much fake till you make it can take you. I may give off the open book impression but the reality is, it’s the total opposite. I’m not an easy book to read nor do I find it easy to open up, not even to my besties. Keeping every emotion and troubles locked up tightly inside does take a toll and eat me up. It’s most likely the fear of being that annoying one, feeling ashamed to go through certain situations, you can say afraid of being judged despite knowing full well they wouldn’t do such a thing. Overly cautious maybe? I do feel a lot better after I open up, getting things off my chest. I need to do this more.

Let Go

Just let go. Let go of every bad situation and regrets, stop dwelling on it and leave it in the past. The past is the past (even if it happened an hour ago). Dwelling over one issue isn’t worth wasting the whole day. Learn to refocus on the present and future. I might have to paint this onto the ceiling so I can see it every morning when I wake up to constantly remind me before my day starts.

chinese book regrets quote 謝謝你傷過我 鄺俊宇 roy kwong chun yu

“Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action.”

Steve Maraboli

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
