nicol wong

A Decade of Blogging

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nicolyl Guilin china golden rice terrace fields October

First of all, Happy 2020!

A decade has flown by just like that. 10, one, zero, ten freaking years! I remember 2010 like it was yesterday. Speaking of 2010, on this very day today, I had created this little writing space of mine. A decade of blogging, wow, just wow.

The ten-year journey had actually consisted of an abundant amount of twist and turns trying to find what this blog was really about. I guess that’s the real beauty of it all. Watching your blog and yourself constantly develop and evolve is a journey you’ll never forget. Let’s say, the blog and I will never stop growing (except for my height ~ba dum tss~, lame I know).

Over the past few years, I’ve given myself unnecessary pressure to post when I’ve had no motivation, creativity or passion. Forcing myself had never felt right, thus falling out of love with it all. As a result, putting the blog on hold until the time was right to step back in.

On the contrary, I’ve recently gotten back into it. Taking the pressure, scheduling and everything else out of the equation, I’ve fallen back into it and have found a rhythm that suits me. In other words, throwing out the blogging rule book, doing what I want without a care in the world and taking the blog in a new direction. No burden, no weight on my shoulders, no pressure, nothing. Let me tell you, it feels great. That 8/9 month break away last year was highly needed. I was reminded that this is still a space I can always go-to for those bad days and moments of boredom. Stepping away from something you once loved is a good opportunity to clear your head. It helps you determine whether you want to give it one more shot or have completely lost interest in it.

Despite the blogging days aren’t what they use to be and is now being undermined by other mediums, I’m going to continue to write for the unforeseeable future. Who knows if there’s going to be a change of direction at some point. Will I be able to fulfil another decade of blogging? Let’s see what awaits me.

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
