nicol wong

Hello Buda, Hello Pest

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I never knew Budapest use to be two cities, Buda and Pest. A fun fact for you if you didn’t already know! I had visited this beautiful city last week – full of beautiful architecture, breathtaking views, eye-opening history and excellent wine. I was there for 4 days 3 nights and it wasn’t enough.

I stayed in the Pest area, just off Váci utca. It was in close proximity to the Vörösmarty Square, many restaurants, bars. It was a great location! I wish I had taken some photos at night but I was too mesmerised by its beauty. The city was clean and I had felt safe. I had met other travellers not only from the UK. It was just a great experience.

Here are some photos I had taken:
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest, Hungary

I would definitely go back and explore the city more especially in the summer. There’s a lot more to see! I would love to go to the Sziget Music Festival one day! Maybe next year. I would highly recommend you visiting Budapest sometime in your life if you haven’t done.

Have you been here before?

Stay in the loop

33 responses to “Hello Buda, Hello Pest”

  1. Laura Ferry says:

    Oh wow, Budapest looks like such an incredibly beautiful place to visit. I love architecture xxx

  2. Kassidy K. says:

    I would LOVE to visit in the future. I love how beautiful the sky is in all of your pictures!


  3. Rhian Westbury says:

    I went to Budapest back in 2014 but didn't see as much as I would have liked so I am planning another visit later this year. It's such a beautiful city isn't it?! x

  4. Bhushavali N says:

    I've heard quite a bit about Budapest. Hope to visit soon…

  5. Stella Olojola says:

    Wow amazing pictures you have here. Would love to visit.

  6. Brand & Beauty says:

    I have never been to budapest before, but it is definetely one of those cities I would like to visit. seems like you had an awesome time, lovely photos x

  7. You got some great photos. A friend of mine used to live in Budapest and heard wonderful stories, so I hope to visit this someday.

  8. Laura Hartley says:

    Loads of my friends went to Budapest last year and it looks amazing!! I had no idea it used to be two cities either 😮

  9. Liz Mays says:

    These are amazing photos! I love that architecture. There is so much detail.

  10. The London Mum says:

    It's still on my list of places to go. STILL. lol. x

  11. ana de jesus says:

    I never knew that it was two separate cities either but the more you know! I have always wanted to go!

  12. I didn't know this either! It looks amazing – I would love to visit one day. Gorgeous photos. Kaz x

  13. Life-As-Mum says:

    Oh wow! It looks so amazing. x

  14. Fred Erick says:

    I have heard of this place before. I even watched the movie. I even listened to the song. But I never knew it's this beautiful. Now it's added to my travel bucketlist!!!!!! Thank you too for the trivia about Buda and Pest. didn't know about that until I read your blog. 🙂

  15. Angela Milnes says:

    ooh this looks like a great lace to visit. I only heard of the place in that song which came out a few years ago in the charts. the pictures are beautiful though!

  16. PJ Zafra says:

    Wow! Beautiful pictures! I love how colorful it all is. Breathtaking scenery. Just like you, I had no idea about Buda and Pest. Thank you for sharing this. Looks like you're having a lot of fun. Stay safe and keep it up! 🙂

  17. George Felix says:

    Budapest is truely mesmerising! Great photos! I'm sure you had a lovely time! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Catstello says:

    I like this title, ha. I've always wanted to visit Budapest, looks great!

  19. It's a place that looks so beautiful, one I really long to visit soon.

  20. Fred Hawson says:

    I definitely have this city in my future plans to visit. A trip to go through the entire Eastern Europe is a must! A very beautiful part of the world.

  21. Nayna Kanabar says:

    What a beautiful city , the photos are so mesmerising. I would love to visit there.

  22. Rebecca Smith says:

    I didn't know that either! Looks like a beautiful place x

  23. Rebecca Smith says:

    I didn't know that either! Looks like a beautiful place x

  24. Shubhada Bhide says:

    Beautiful country! I heard about Budapest when some of the Bollywood movies were shot there. Thanks for the share.

  25. Emma White says:

    wow it looks like a beautiful country to visit the pictures are just amazing

  26. Leke Awonuga says:

    Thanks Nicol for igniting my interest to visit Budapest for vacation. Will definitely to explore the radiant juicy to the core.

  27. Erica Villas says:

    Your photos are absolutely breathtaking! WOuld love to see Budapest one day! Hopefully next year!

  28. Elizabeth O. says:

    I had no idea that they used to be two cities as well! That's surprising. The photos are stunning, I would love to visit Budapest in the future. Such a lovely city!

  29. Franc says:

    It's nice to know about Budapest being two areas. the place looks really beautiful.

  30. LemonaidLies Blog says:

    I looks beautiful! I am going in December and I can't wait… We're going for 3days 2 nights but i wish i had 4/5 days to explore x


  31. Tiffany Yong W.T. says:

    I love the photos of the monuments and buildings you took! But take more photos of yourself next time! The best part of being a blogger is to be in the photos and be part of everyone' memories…

  32. Rochkirstin Santos says:

    OMG Budapest looks so neat and beautiful. I have been talking to my colleagues through online conference. They work in Budapest and they never told me that Buda and Pest were actually two different cities in the past.

  33. Raine Pal says:

    Wow! Great to know about BUDA and PEST. Though sounds strange because we also have a town here in our city that we called BUDA short for BUKIDNON and DAVAO.

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
