nicol wong

Bending at the Louvre

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Louvre Paris France
Louvre Paris France
Louvre Paris France

Top: Love Clothing; Disco Pants: Missguided; Shoes: Public Desire;

Please excuse the quality of the last photo. My mum took this photo on her phone and I thought it’d be great to show the outfit I was wearing as I didn’t have any. Yes I did photoshop it to blur out everyone in the background and cropped my sister out too.

I would never have thought that doing a backbend would attract a lot of attention. People clapped. I was embarrassed but I did want a random photo. Being a gymnast has it’s perks, take a lot of random photos wherever you go! Also, being silly at the Louvre seemed like the normal thing to do. Or my view on silly is different to others but hey, I enjoyed myself and had fun! That’s all that matters right?

I saw the Mona Lisa painting in the museum. It’s definitely remarkable. Got a lovely haul post coming up next. Stay tuned.

Stay in the loop

16 responses to “Bending at the Louvre”

  1. Angeline Lee says:

    Love the shoes!

  2. Bintu Hardy says:

    When I go back to the Louvre I will certainly try bending like you.

  3. Mimi Kitten says:

    Hahah that's hilarious, you go girl! I would love to go to the Louvre!

  4. Michelle K says:

    Ha ha looks like you had fun! xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  5. Emma Matthews says:

    Lovely post! I recently visited Paris and the Louvre is incredible!

    Emma x

  6. I loved visiting Paris and going to the Louvre, I didn't think of bending while I was there though – great idea! 🙂 x

  7. beautyqueenuk says:

    Loving the shoes and the pants x

  8. CollectiveBeauty says:

    LOL a backbend, too cute! Looks like you had fun!

  9. Louise Smith says:

    Look at you looking all stunning and impressing the crowd! Hehe. I've always wanted to visit the Louvre. Maybe Nathan will be nice and take me for my 40th since we didn't do a single exciting thing for my 30th last year! LOL

    Louise x

    With love from Lou

  10. Geneva WAGs says:

    Beautiful photos. Haven't been to the Louvre in ages – really must go back! xx

  11. Michelle Cheung says:

    Such pretty photos! *^*

  12. Laura - Alagoz says:

    Lovely picks 🙂 Can't wait to see what you got xx

    Pink Frenzy

  13. Ting Yn says:

    I have not been able to do a proper backbend for years! Great shot.

  14. Barbie's Beauty Bits says:

    Awesome a lot of people clapped. If I did that, they be running as I would of fallen and they would of had to help me get up. Great photos too!

  15. Stacey Memories says:

    Well that really is one way to stand out in a crowd! 🙂

  16. Vivian Yuen says:

    Hello gymnast 😉



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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
