nicol wong

Original Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm Jar

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Original Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm Jar



Overall Rating: 

Review: I should have used Carmex from the beginning! I’ve used Blistex and Vaseline and both doesn’t perform as well as Carmex. I get chapped, bleeding lips easily and especially since it’s been subzero temperatures throughout January and February here in the UK. The thing I find with lip balms is that it won’t heal my lips or it has no effect. Like with Blistex, it’ll take ages for my lips to heal and will have to reapply after around 15 minutes.

The texture is smooth, smooth to apply onto the lips. Not as soft as Vaseline yet not as thick. I’d say it’s the right consistency. Once I’ve applied it, I get a tingly, cool feeling. I actually quite like it and gives an indication that it is working. This keeps my lips hydrated all day and night as I always reapply it throughout the day, around 4 times a day. I especially apply it before I sleep. I wake up with soft, smooth lips. People may think that once your lips are repaired and hydrated, the salicylic acid will dry your lips out. This isn’t true. It’ll exfoliate your lips and penatrates into the clogged pores and neutralise and remove bacteria. There’s other ingredients to keep your lips hydrated.

It has a hint of a vanilla smell, however the menthol over powers it. This might not to be everyones taste however it doesn’t last long while on the lips. You’ll get use to the smell when you keep using it. The packaging is very compact and hardly takes up room in your bag, make up bag. However, you have to use your fingers to get the product which isn’t really hygenic in my opinon. I am not really too fond of it as I have long nails and the product always gets into my nails. So I’m kind of wasting product at the same time.

This is 100% recommended to everyone, this is the best I’ve ever used. Can’t live without it and worth every penny!

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3 responses to “Original Carmex Moisturising Lip Balm Jar”

  1. Junjun says:

    I've never tried this before (I just use Burts and Bees), but it looks promising! o:

  2. priincess emily says:

    I love this stuff too! 😀

  3. Eden-Avalon says:

    It's my favorite as well! It blows away every burts bees product i've owned.

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
