nicol wong

10 Sheet Mask Hacks

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Sheet Mask hacks and tips

Sheet masks are the one product I end up hoarding the most and continue to stock up (even when I don’t need to) whenever I’m in Asia. They’re straight forward to use and are as easy as 123, but there are mistakes everyone unknowingly makes. Here I list ten hacks to make the most out of your mask.

Read the Ingredients
A simple step but it’s often missed out. As with any skin care products, not all masks are suited for every skin type. It’s not a one mask fits all unfortunately. With sheet masks, you’re stuck for choice and the wording of the mask type can confuse some people. It’s best to read the ingredients to check if there’s anything that isn’t suited to you. If your skin is dry, you wouldn’t necessary use a mask that is suited for oily skin.

Apply on Cleansed and Toned Skin
Another simple step which is overlooked. It’s easy to just use it after you’ve only steamed your face, after a gym session or just on a random occasion. However, your skin will not get the benefits nor will you see any results due to the layer of dirt coming between the skin and the mask essence. The mask will work its magic on freshly cleansed and toned skin to ensure optimal results. Continue with the rest of your skin care afterwards, moisturise etc.

Fridge or Bath
Putting masks in the fridge will give you that extra help in depuffing the face as well as cool down after a hot day. Another option is to warm it up. My auntie told me to put the unopened mask into warm water, in the bath or run it under the shower for a few minutes then use the mask as normal. This is great for the winter days and it feels ridiculously nice.

Flip Your Sheet Mask
The mask is drenched with the serum, top to bottom, left to right and front and back. Half way through the treatment, flip the mask over and bask in more essence.

Don’t Wash It Off
When people think of masks, they initially think that every type of mask should be washed off afterwards. The beauty of sheets masks is that you don’t have to. The essence is meant to be absorbed into the skin and if you wash it off, you’re washing away the benefits.

Massage Afterwards
After x time has passed and you pull off the mask, your face is still soaked with the essence. Rather than wiping it off, massage it into the skin until it’s absorbed as well as bringing it down to the neck. You want to take advantage of every last drop. Massaging will help lift and tone the face too.

Don’t Waste the Excess
If you look inside the packet, you can see there’s a lot of essence left at the bottom. Grab some and use it on the rest of your body, arms, legs, chest, hands, feet, everywhere. Or you could pour the excess into a zip lock bag, add some cotton pads and put it in the fridge to use in the morning. The cotton pads will soak up the excess and you can apply it to the face as part of your morning routine. Even after the session, there will be essence left not he mask, squeeze it and use it.

Snip the Mask
Masks are one size only but our faces aren’t, so the chance of it fitting everyone’s faces are very slim. Cut the mask horizontally, between the nose and mouth and you’re left with two pieces. You’ll be able to have the perfect fit without constantly adjusting it whilst you’re relaxing.

Eye It Up Too
Why not throw in an under eye sheet mask too? The eyes needs TLC too so might as well double up. Getting it all done at the same time will cut time and speed things up. Might as well put on lip masks too.

Longer Isn’t Better
It’s easy to think, to longer the better however, it actually has the opposite effect. Once the mask starts drying, it will start to absorb moisture from your skin and can make your skin worse. Read the instructions and stick to the time indicated on the package.

Do you enjoy sheet masks?

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26 responses to “10 Sheet Mask Hacks”

  1. Rachael says:

    Great tips, I’m such a face mask fiend! Good tip on cutting the masks I’ve never thought of doing that to make them less awkward shaped as some can be terribly shaped!

  2. Emily Newstead says:

    I love sheet masks, they leave my skin feeling really refreshed!

    Emily xo

  3. Tori says:

    Fantastic tips! I’m a sheet mask addict and love massaging in the essence afterwards. I will definitely be putting mine in the fridge or warming them up now, I’ve never ever thought of doing that!

  4. Great tips, I love sheet masks too, I never thought of putting in the fridge though before use, this is definitely something I will be trying x

  5. These are some great tips, I have to admit I am such a fan of sheet masks, they are so simple to use and less messy!

  6. I have never used a face mask, but definitely something I would like to try out in the future.

  7. Ooh great tips. I like the sound of putting it in the fridge or in the bath depending on the weather x

  8. Vivian says:

    Cutting the mask in half is SUCH a good tip!

    Vivian | LIVE . IN . LOVE
    IG | @viviyunn_


  9. Danielle says:

    That’s a great tip about putting the masks in the fridge first – I never would have thought of that.

  10. What a clever idea from our aunt about warming the packet in warm water first!

  11. Laura says:

    I’ve never thought about flipping the mask halfway through! So simple. I do enjoy them from the fridge though, I might try warming one next time instead.

  12. I love sheet masks and I’d never thought about swapping them around half around the treatment x

  13. Love these tips! I normally keep my eye masks in the fridge so they help with any puffiness around the eyes x

  14. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a sheet mask before! I need to get my hands on a few and try them at home.

  15. Candice Nikeia says:

    I love sheet mask because they are so easy to use. I would love to try these that you have given!

  16. Interesting post. I haven’t used a sheet mask before so I have no idea of the procedure. It’s great to know what to do prior to using one thanks for the info.

  17. I used a sheet mask the other night, but didn’t think to use the leftover residue in the packet!

  18. Ooh! I’ve never considered heating a mask in the bath, so clever!xxx

  19. I have never used a sheet mask before. Love your tip of putting it in either the fridge or under hot water

  20. melanie says:

    Top tips here especially the one about putting masks in the fridge 🙂 x

  21. Jenni says:

    I haven’t had a sheet mask in years! I’m heading to my friends house tomorrow evening for a girly wine night so may take a couple of masks over! I also like the idea of popping it into the fridge – it would be extra refreshing, especially on a hot day

  22. francesca says:

    I never ever thought of flipping the mask over!!! GENIUS! Now I can get the most out of them!!

  23. Yaya says:

    Brilliant tips! I really need these hacks as I can’t seem to get the hang of sheet masks. I love the tips of either cooling or warming. x

  24. Anosa says:

    I super love having my mask put on refrigerator. There this refreshing feeling whenever you put it while its cold. Additional way to cool down yourself and also massaging my face after.

  25. Louise says:

    I’ve never tried sheet masks as I have a child sized face and always think they’ll be too big for me. After reading your hacks though, I’m seriously considering giving them a try!!

    Louise x

  26. Jemma says:

    I’ve heard so many things about sheet masks. I need to try one.

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Nicol Wong

Nicol is a British Chinese blogger, using this blog to document the good, the bad and the ugly experiences, thoughts and personal journeys.
